On April 12, 1961 cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin launched from a site near the Baikonur Cosmodrome aboard a Vostok 3KA spacecraft, for the Vostok 1 mission. It was the first manned space flight in human history, which placed the first human into orbit as the craft separated from the boosters ten minutes after take-off, at 06:17 GMT.
Less than two hours later, Yuri Gagarin had safely landed, completing the first journey in our efforts to free humankind from its terran shackles and reach for the stars.
A true pioneer of humanity, Gagarin showed us the way. It is up to us to leave our bitter and petty disputes and seek the path that leads us to the skies.
It is our only duty and one that we should remember each time we turn our gaze to the night skies.
над Африкой, Африкой! Иллюминатор повернут к земле, я может узнать среднеземноморское море, как вы поняли, сверх?" ... "поймите, поймите"
"above Africa, Africa! Illuminator is turned to Earth, I can recognize Mediterranean sea, how did you understand, over?" ... [replies] "understand, understand" .........
Ρε συ ξάδερφε, πού το βρήκες αυτό; Δεν είχε ποτέ υποπέσει τέτοιο κείμενο στην αντίληψή μου...
"внимание, внимание к полностью радиостанции который работают на частотах от 20000 килогерцев диеза до 20012 килогерца: вы создавая шумы в приемах сигнала корабля Восто́к-пять. Мы спрашиваем, что вы останавливаете работать в этом месте ряда"
"Attention, attention to all radiostations which are working on frequencies from 20000 kHz sharp to 20012 kHz: you creating handicapes [noises] in signal receptions of Vostok-5 spaceship. We ask you to stop working in this site of range"
hihihi :) sorry....4 Vostok ekso epesa:)
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