They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see nothing but the sea.
- Sir Francis Bacon.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hang up the chick habit! -
Laisse tomber les filles

For George K., a word of caution...

Hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
or you'll be alone in a quick
hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
or you'll never get another fix

I'm telling you it's not a trick
pay attention, don't be thick
or you're liable to get licked

You're gonna see the reason why
when they're spitting in your eye
they'll be spitting in your eye

Hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
a girl's not a tonic or a pill

Hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
you're just jonesing for a spill

Oh, how your bubble's gonna burst
when you meet another nurse
she'll be driving in a hearse

You're gonna need a heap of glue
when they all catch up with you
and they cut you up in two

Now your ears are ringing
the birds have stopped their singing
everything is turning grey

No candy in your till
no cutie left to thrill
you're alone on a Tuesday

Hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
or you'll be alone in a quick
hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
or you'll never get another fix

I'm telling you it's not a trick
pay attention, don't be thick
or you're liable to get licked

You're gonna see the reason why
when they're spitting in your eye
they'll be spitting in your eye

PS Original song "Laisse tomber les filles" by Serge Gainsbourg. "Chick Habit" sung by April March with English lyrics by her, featured in the Quentin Tarantino movie OST "Deathproof".


Anonymous said...

Κάλα ρε ξάδερφε, δηλαδή εσύ δεν έπαιζες ταυτόχρονα πάνω από δύο?Τι μας λες τώρα?Λες και δεν θυμόμαστε....ή πάθαμε όλοι ξαφνικά αλτσχάιμερ?(sic) :P

GiorgosPap said...

Αν λες για τη δεσποινιδα "Τσιμπουκιδου " δεν το μετραω. Το τι γινόταν παλιότερα απο την άλλη είναι άλλο ζήτημα (και που ξερεις εσυ τι γινοταν παλιότερα ακόμα δεν βγηκες απο τ'αυγο..)

:P back at you... :))

(Για το αλτσχαιμερ (sic) άστο πάνω μου...)