Once again, We are bitterly disappointed by US politics.
Once again, the people of the most powerful nation of our pitiful planet are called to choose the lesser of two evils.
If Evil it be...
why not choose The Great Old One?
Quoting from the "Cthulhu for President in '08" facebook group:
"Cthulhu must take McCain's place and debate Barack Obama. Sure, Obama has charisma. But do his eyes glow with the maddening wonders of a time once forgotten? Does his gaze rend the soul from a man's mundane form, evoke abject fear that bleeds in sweaty rivulets from his pores? Can he send a dark, frozen chill down the spines of those who kneel before him?"
Coldplay, "Violet Hill"
GW Bush: Our intelligence tells us that when Saddam was originally killed, his soul actually went to Hell. But while in hell he began a homosexual relationship with Satan, the Prince of Darkness. Satan, however, decided he didn't want to be with Hussein anymore and broke up with him about August. When Saddam became jealous and tried to kill Satan's new lover, Chris, Satan had Saddam sent to Heaven to live with Mormons as a punishment. Questions? Yes?
Ambassador: Are you high, or just incredibly stupid?
GW Bush: I assure you, I am not high.
General: Sir, you must understand our fears. We must take out those facilities. We must...Bomb Heaven!
SNN Question of the Day: Now that Americans believe in Heaven, should we bomb it? The polls right now show that 51% of Americans think Saddam has to be dealt with, while 49% are wimpy tree-hugging pussies. Bomb Heaven!" (SouthPark, episode 612)
PS II : i' Eh, i'Eh, Cthulhu fh'tagn!!!
Χεχε, αφου εδώ και 8 χρόνια προεδρεύει ο Azathoth, τι πιο ταιριαστό από το να πάρει τη σκυτάλη ο Cthulhu...
Επίσης, μιας που το θυμήθηκα, άχαστο και σχετικό είναι το επεισόδιο 808 - Douche and turd
@ Engel: Μη βλασφημείς συγκρίνοντας τον dubya με τον Μεγα Αζαθόθ. Σωστός για το douche and turd. Απο το χρώμα του νικητή φαίνεται πως επικράτησε το turd.
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